There's this place in Marlboro called Trombetta's Farm that has a small 18-hole indoor mini golf course. Definitely not award winning by any means, but just the idea of playing mini golf in February is pretty cool, so we figured it would be a good way to spend the late morning.
What was particularly fun was that Anna and I teamed up to play the entire round with her strapped to me in the Baby Bjorn. It was her first time in the Baby Bjorn facing out, so it was only fitting to have her in the Mini-Me set up for a round of mini golf.

We played the first 12 holes with her facing out and she was loving it. So alert, checking everything out, and talking up a storm. Then we could tell that she was getting tired, so we re-adjusted her to face in on the bjorn and she fell fast asleep.
Despite having Anna strapped to my chest and only being able to putt one-handed for the most part, I was still able to squeak out a one-stroke victory over Sammy. Angie was only a few strokes behind in third.
It was definitely a lot of fun and I think that I might start doing more activities with Anna in the Baby Bjorn. Not only because she likes it so much, but also because it's just funny. Doing anything with Anna in the bjorn would be hilarious. Imagine seeing me shovel the driveway or mow the lawn with her in the bjorn. Classic.
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