By Katie CardinalLiving in Newburyport, I don't really get to spend as much time with family and friends as I used to and would like to. For this reason, I try to either go home or have family visit once a week to be sure I'm not "home sick." This weekend I had made plans with Mom to have her come down on Sunday just to hang out for a while, grab something to eat, and just to spend some quality time together.
When she got to Newburyport this morning, she came bearing gifts! She had a whole bag of adorably wrapped presents for me to open, and boy was I excited! After the first few gifts, I got the theme: Cake Decorating Materials! She got me everything from fondant and gum paste to cookie cutters and shaping tools. It was SO cool to finally have all the materials to try everything out. Obviously, I jumped right into the flower making! Not far into my project I heard another knock at the door....VERY weird considering we NEVER have guests. When I went to the door it was yet ANOTHER surprise: Tiffany, Pete, Andrew, and Natalie! The whole George family had made the treck all the way from Northwood to Newburyport to celebrate my birthday :) And guess what...they came bearing gifts too!!! Tiffany got me these AWESOME flip flops that are just WAY too cool to describe, some really cool bracelets, and a pretty green sweater that I can't wait to wear.
With almost the whole family here, we went to check out Newburyport. We walked along the strip with all of the shops, and eventually ate a TERRIFIC meal at my favorite place, Not Your Average Joes! After doing some more shopping we got some gelado and headed back so the cutiest would have some time to play in the apartment before they had to nap.
Needless to say, I had a FANTASTIC day! Thanks so much everyone for putting in the effort to surprise me and also for all of the gifts! You guys are the best family anyone could ever ask for. I am one lucky little girl :)