By K.J. Cardinal

In perfect fashion, Anna and Leo's first hockey game was none other than one of Ethan's games at the New England SportsCenter on Saturday morning.
With Ethan's Bantam team playing in a three-game, two-day tournament less than 10 minutes from our house, Bill and Ethan came down to stay with us for the tourney.
Ethan had a rough schedule which consisted of a 10:30 p.m. night cap on Friday night, an 8:30 a.m. contest on Saturday morning and then a 9:30 p.m. game on Saturday night. Crazy.
That schedule obviously meant that the only game we'd be able to take the kids to was the Saturday morning game. So, we bundled everyone up and off we went.
Leo obviously had no clue what was going on, but looked adorable in his "fuddy duddy" hat, and Anna seemed to like the Zamboni and arcade in the lobby more than anything. Nonetheless, it was their first hockey game.
More important than the actual games was the fact that we got to hang out with Bill and Ethan for two-straight days. I can honestly say that it's been about 15 years since I've been able to say that... which is a shame and something I'm hoping to change because Bill's always been one of my all-time favorite people and Ethan is following in his footsteps, that's for sure.

Anyway, the best part of the whole weekend was learning that Anna shared the same affinity for Bill and Ethan that I do. On Saturday, there was a lot of time between games and we just hung out at our house. Anna used this time to make Bill her play date... which was hilarious.
The two were making puzzles together, horsing around on the couch, playing catch in the kitchen and basically anything else that Anna could think of. After a good while of playing together, Bill sat down on the couch to get a break and Anna relentlessly came over to him and asked him to play some more. I was doing my best to interject and convince Anna to give Bill a break, but once she said to Bill, "You're my best friend. Do you want to come play with me?", all bets were off. I mean, not only did that leave me speechless, but it really left Bill with no choice, but to go play with his new BFF. It was classic Anna.
The icing on the cake of this great weekend was seeing Ethan score a goal in his final game on Saturday night. What a perfect way to cap a great weekend. Thanks for coming down guys. Hopefully we can do it again sooner rather than later... I mean, Anna can't go long without seeing her new bestie.