Monday, March 28, 2011

Leo turns nine months

By K.J. Cardinal

Nine months of this "little" buddy have been so much fun. I know a lot of parents have tough times when their kids are babies and infants, but Leo has been so awesome.

For example, about a month ago, we were commenting that Leo seemed a little "off" and then a few days later he opened his mouth and had six teeth. I know the teething process for some kids makes parents want to gouge their eyes out, but Leo took it in stride... which is what he really does with everything in our crazy lives... flashing his infectious smile the whole way.

Leo had his nine-month check-up today and continues to impress the doctor. The little guy tips the scales at a healthy 26 pounds, nine ounces (99th percentile... finally back ON the charts), is 29" tall (87th percentile) and has a head circumference that ranks in the 96th percentile.

I think people who say it isn't fair or right to compare children are either crazy or don't have a blog to use as their reference. I mean, when you look back at when Anna turned nine months, she had four teeth, weighed 20 pounds, 3 ounces, was 28.25" tall and had a head circumference in the 80th percentile. It's neat to compare Leo to Anna like that. Kind of puts everything in perspective for me.

While it may be easy to compare their stats, the difference in Anna and Leo's personalities is probably more of a reflection of how Angie and I have changed and how we (mostly me) had more of a clue what to expect the second time around as a parent to an infant.

Leo's just a feel-good kind of kid. Anna was, and obviously still is, our little performer, but it doesn't seem like Leo's personality traits are headed as much in that direction. Anna makes you die laughing by being goofy and putting on a show (see Exhibit A), while Leo makes you feel so warm and fuzzy just by smiling or tilting his head with that adorable look on his face (see Exhibit B at left).

Sure, comparing the children is fun to do and has some tangibles to it, but there's really no comparison with how lucky we feel to be blessed with another happy and healthy child. I'll let you debate who's cuter, I think it's a push...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Anna discovers Photo Booth

By K.J. Cardinal

Anna discovered the Photo Booth app on my Mac today and proceeded to ham it up, big time. If you can watch this without cracking up, then you need to check your pulse.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011