Don't get me wrong when I say this, but it seems like we've been married for a lot longer than two years and that we've been together a lot longer than five years.
When I say this, I don't mean it in a "my life is horrible" or "what the hell am I doing" way. I just really have a hard time remembering what life was like before Angie.
We have blended our family and friends and personal and professional lives so greatly that it's nearly impossible to fathom our existence without each other.
Like my parents, Angie and I (and the girls too) do everything together. We are good at taking turns and taking time to do stuff with our friends, which helps keep us somehow in the "we're married with kids, but still not complete losers" category. So it's been great and, to be honest, married life isn't much different than how our lives were when we were dating or engaged.
We're not big on celebrating birthdays, holidays or anniversaries as much as we are big on living in the day and appreciating what we have. So, I guess today is rather an arbitrary day for us that just happens to mark the two-year anniversary of the best party we've ever thrown...I mean the two-year anniversary of our wedding.
• On July 11, 2003, we met.
• At about 3 a.m. on the morning of Tuesday, July 15, 2003, I saw Angie for the second time overall (and the first time sober) and I knew without my beer goggles on that I loved that chick.
• On Thursday, July 17, 2003, I made that daring trip to Montreal for a surprise visit to Angie while she was on a business trip.
• On (approximately) Friday, January 5, 2007, I knocked Angie up :)
• And, on October 5, 2007 we did the best thing of all and had Anna.
As you can see, our wedding itself was a big event, but probably doesn't mean as much to us as most of those days above. The bottom line though is that we couldn't be happier with how things have progressed in the two years that we've been married and we feel like the luckiest people in the world everyday.
Don't think this is a tongue-in-cheek Happy Anniversary post, but rather a recognition of how great our lives have been together to date if we can say that our wedding day might not make the top-five most significant days of our relationship list.
So, Happy Anniversary Ang. I love you and thanks for not changing the locks...yet.