Andrew and Natalie are the sweetest kids ever. Last night we decided to go grocery shopping as a family for the first time since Natalie has been born. Boy, was it a treat. When we asked Andrew if he wanted to go you would have thought we had asked him if he wanted to hang out with Papa, that's how excited he got.
Once we arrived at Market Basket, Pete put Natalie's seat in the stroller and he pushed around the cart while Andrew and I found everything on our list. He would help me find each item and put it in the cart himself. He had so much fun being our little helper. By the time we got to the yellow peppers he about lost it. He was literally jumping up and down and clapping in the aisle. I am sure that he brought a smile to everyone who got to witness him shopping last night.
Natalie is also doing wonderfully. She is a little happy yeller who is very much into her brother right now. All he needs to do is walk in to the room and she lights right up. She also loves to look up at her Daddy. She loves to stare at him while he is talking, smiling away. If she is not admiring one of her two favorite boys, she most definitely has something in her mouth to chew on, be it a burp cloth, toy, or her dress. She also loves to see the world around her at all times. Whenever I put her up on my shoulder she uses her mighty muscles to push back and away from me so that she can see what I can see. She also likes to look at me too! Today she was pushing herself away from me, looking around when she sort of startled herself by looking right at me, about 4 inches away. She gave me the sweetest smile that made me feel so loved!
As you can see from the photos below, these kids just keep getting cuter and cuter. These pics are from our picking expedition at Butternut Farms a few weekends ago. Natalie seemed to enjoy the nice sunny day, plus looking at leaves is so much fun! We were there for over 2 hours and Andrew would have honestly stayed the whole day picking blueberries. He is so patient and self-sufficient while picking. He knows to only pick the blue ones and he does it all by himself. MY Papa would be proud.
oh my gosh, what a cute story. i remember when i was little for christmas santa bought me a cardboard grocery store that had shelves and the cashier that went beep as you slid the stuff along....i had aspirations to work at a grocery for a long time. the pictures posted were great. i love the one of andrew in the peach tree.
ReplyDeletelove you
ps. tiffany your hair looks peak cuteness!
This is such a cute entry, I can honestly say my grandchildren are at "peak cuteness" as Jenny would say. I also love the picture of Andrew in the peach tree and the picture of Natalie in the tub is just too precious. Natalie has the most beautiful eyes and adorable smile. She is just so good natured. I am so enjoying my life right now. It couldn't be any better!
ReplyDeleteLove Mom
I totally agree with Meme!! Life is wonderful with our beautiful grandchildren. Tiffany, you are the best stay at home Mom there is!! I am so proud that you are the mother of my precious grandchildren!!
ReplyDeleteLove you with all my heart!!