Summer officially began for us this past week as we took Leo on his first-ever camping and kayaking expedition.
We hit up Pawtuckaway State Park for four nights (well, three actually since one night was a "rainout" for us) and had a blast. The weather didn't cooperate the entire time we were there, but Friday was definitely one of the most enjoyable days with the wife and kids I've ever had.
The campground is right on Pawtuckaway Lake (we were at sites 75/76 on Horse Island), so we set out on the kayaks for a little exploring. The lake is great because there are tons of small islands with lots of spots to park your kayak for remote fun.
We ended up docking at the campground store, hit up the beach next to it and then got the kids' ice cream there. It was so great finally being able to take both kids out to do something cool like this. Anna was in her glory and Leo was a treat as always.
I snapped this video of Leo eating his apple in the kayak with me. It got wedged between his chest and his life vest, but that didn't stop him from eating it. I actually think he preferred eating it this way, as he is a pretty lazy eater...
Leo was also happy as a clam to just be in the tent. He got a pretty big kick out of it (as this video shows), so needless to say, we'll probably be camping and kayaking a whole lot more this summer...
On Sunday night, Meme and Papa brought their motorhome and camped with us... as if the kids weren't in their glory already.
Leo and Anna both got to jump on Meme's bed and asked after what her favorite part of camping was, Anna said, "having a pillow fight with Meme."
Anyway, it was a fantastic way to start the summer for us. Now excuse me while I take a nap.
I just love the pictures and videos - keep them coming. Next time you go camping in the area let us know and we'll drop by for a visit. Love to all, Auntie Carol