On Saturday, we all got to celebrate Andrew's second birthday with him at a full-out birthday bash at Tiffany and Pete's.
- Auntie Sheila made one of her famous cakes for Andrew (as aforementioned right here on The Cardinal Blog back in March) and it was awesome. The picture at right doesn't do it justice, but it was a guitar cake and the strings were made of spaghetti. It was great...and of course yellow...Andrew's favorite color.
- Andrew got a ton of gifts...so many in fact that he actually had to stop for snack breaks in the middle. He cracks me up.
- Another "highlight" of the party for the kids was the balloon lady. She made balloon animals for the kids. She was quite a piece of work and provided a bit of unintentional comedy for the adults.
- Three-year-old Ben Lauze, Jon & Nikoll Lauze's son, is a riot. At one point during the party, he stood on his chair playing a guitar made by the balloon lady and serenaded us with his lovely version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I wish I would've caught that on the camcorder...it was priceless.
- At the party, I asked my Dad if he wanted to go to Game 1 of the NBA Finals with me on Thursday night and he said "YES!" I was a little nervous that he wouldn't want to go because the game starts at 9 p.m. and he has to get up early on Friday morning to work, but he jumped at the opportunity to go to a Finals game. I'm psyched that I finally get to hook him up with a ticket to the C's after years of him taking care of me. Let's hope they win!
After the party, Angie, Anna and I made our way over to the Rochester Manor to visit my grandfather. He seemed to be doing really great. I dropped off a Pack Network polo shirt for him and that really made his day too.
On Sunday, my Dad and I managed to hit the links for 18 holes at Farmington. My Christmas gift of a membership at FCC has proven to be a huge hit. He's addicted to golf now!
I know you will have fun tonight with your DAD. Go Celtics!!!