We had a nice dinner at the Sylvan Street Grille in Salisbury (great recommendation...thanks Moody). It is centrally located for all of us, about an hour from Hudson and 45 minutes from Farmington, and right off of 495 and 95, so it's super convenient.
Plus, it also has good, affordable food. We really lucked out and got a this huge corner booth so we had plenty of room to operate with all the paraphernalia that we travel with.
The kiddos were all on their best behavior and we had a blast.
Anyway, Aunt Kate also got Anna to do her latest trick of saying "ooh" and making this cute face. The photo below was taken at the dinner table that night, but I'll get a much better photo and perhaps a video of this and post it sometime, but it's hilarious.
Andrew (pictured above) was fired up to show me his new Celtics pajamas, which Tiff changed him into prior to leaving, and they are awesome. Also, as you can see, he loves his Papa...and his Papa loves him.
Happy birthday Dad! We were so glad that we got to hang out and have dinner with you guys.
Happy Birthday Kim!