On Friday, we headed up to New Hampshire and had a quiet night at my parent's house, which was really the calm before the storm for Anna.
Saturday brought the aforementioned birthday bash for Andrew at Tiffany and Pete's in Northwood. Anna loved the cardboard school bus, fully equipped with steering wheel and windshield wiper, playing in the sand with Natalie and picking up and eating candy from the pinata.
One of the funniest things of the day came during the pinata breaking. Uncle Matt held Anna while she took a few "swings" at busting the ball open, which was cute. But, what was hilarious was when the ball was broken open and the candy fell out. Anna had to be directed to pick up the candy and she then proceeded to put the candy back into the broken pinata. She obviously doesn't grasp the concept of candy yet, otherwise she would've been hording it in her bag like the rest of the kids were doing.
On Sunday, Anna got two special treats.
First, Papa took the tractor out of the garage and took Anna for a ride around the house. Anna was content sitting on his lap and cruising around.
She doesn't really get too excited when she does something new for the first time. Instead, she just kind of sits back and takes it all in. So, the fact that she was rather mellow about the whole thing leads me to believe that the next time we're up in NH that she'll freak out when she sees the tractor.
Anna had a good time throwing the ball to Bauer. One time when she threw the ball, Bauer nearly took it out of her hand and bumped into her. Anna caught her balance nicely, but the look on her face was priceless.
We wrapped up the day yesterday by just hanging out with Meme and Papa. Anna definitely got the princess treatment all weekend long and it was so great, as always, to hang out with my family.
We are all psyched for our summer vacation together this summer. Hopefully Anna's weekend warrior skills will carry over to a fun-filled week nicely.
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