This is rather freaky, but it looks as if Michael Jackson lives.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Michael Jackson lives
By K.J. Cardinal
This is rather freaky, but it looks as if Michael Jackson lives.
This is rather freaky, but it looks as if Michael Jackson lives.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Monster Mash: Cardinal Edition
By Katie Cardinal
I thought this would get us into the Halloween Spirit!!!
I thought this would get us into the Halloween Spirit!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monkey highlights Hudson Halloween
By K.J. Cardinal
After cruising to a 23-10 victory over Candy Corn in the annual Cardinal Blog Halloween Poll, Anna "Monkey" Cardinal stole the show for Hudson Halloween.
Every Halloween, Hudson closes Main Street downtown and local businesses open their doors to trick or treaters for two hours. It's the first time I've partaken in the festivities and it was quite a scene.
Sure there were hundreds and hundreds of other kids and even dozens and dozens of other monkeys, but I think my monkey took the cake.
Angie, Sammy and I decided to walk downtown since parking is a disaster and it's just over a mile to downtown. It was a nice night, so we popped Anna into the MacPac, which she loves, and off we went.
Anna was really more interested in people watching and just walking in the middle of the closed street than scoring candy, but we still had a blast.
Hudson Halloween marked the second trick-or-treating session for Anna as she went to Intel Halloween on Tuesday night at Angie's work. The "real" trick-or-treating is Saturday night, so she'll have plenty of candy.
While we were downtown, we decided to go to the Horseshoe Pub for dinner. Anna was a good eater, so we decided to let her experience her first-ever Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Her reaction was simply priceless... I am so bummed I didn't get video footage of her because she was so giddy.
NOTE: The active followers of The Cardinal Blog proved that they are rather soft and/or care about Anna a lot as only two people voted for the Poodle (which Anna didn't want to wear) in the Halloween Poll.
Every Halloween, Hudson closes Main Street downtown and local businesses open their doors to trick or treaters for two hours. It's the first time I've partaken in the festivities and it was quite a scene.
Sure there were hundreds and hundreds of other kids and even dozens and dozens of other monkeys, but I think my monkey took the cake.
Angie, Sammy and I decided to walk downtown since parking is a disaster and it's just over a mile to downtown. It was a nice night, so we popped Anna into the MacPac, which she loves, and off we went.
Anna was really more interested in people watching and just walking in the middle of the closed street than scoring candy, but we still had a blast.
While we were downtown, we decided to go to the Horseshoe Pub for dinner. Anna was a good eater, so we decided to let her experience her first-ever Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Her reaction was simply priceless... I am so bummed I didn't get video footage of her because she was so giddy.
NOTE: The active followers of The Cardinal Blog proved that they are rather soft and/or care about Anna a lot as only two people voted for the Poodle (which Anna didn't want to wear) in the Halloween Poll.
Monday, October 26, 2009
VOTE NOW: Halloween poll closes today
By K.J. Cardinal
For the third-straight year, the faithful followers of The Cardinal Blog will be able to determine which adorable Halloween costume Anna dons for a night of trick-or-treating.
Last year your voices were heard as Anna had a yabba dabba doo time as Pebbles Flintstone. While in 2007, a three-week-old Anna rocked a chili pepper costume at the request of the masses.
So, we are keeping the tradition alive in 2009. Your choices this year are Candy Corn, a Poodle or a Monkey.

For some reason, Anna refuses to try the Poodle costume on. So, if that's the people's choice, then hopefully she'll come to her senses. The polls will close at the end of the day TODAY so be sure to vote now!
Note: You facebookers out there, log on to to cast your vote today!
For the third-straight year, the faithful followers of The Cardinal Blog will be able to determine which adorable Halloween costume Anna dons for a night of trick-or-treating.
Last year your voices were heard as Anna had a yabba dabba doo time as Pebbles Flintstone. While in 2007, a three-week-old Anna rocked a chili pepper costume at the request of the masses.
So, we are keeping the tradition alive in 2009. Your choices this year are Candy Corn, a Poodle or a Monkey.
For some reason, Anna refuses to try the Poodle costume on. So, if that's the people's choice, then hopefully she'll come to her senses. The polls will close at the end of the day TODAY so be sure to vote now!
Note: You facebookers out there, log on to to cast your vote today!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Fireworks never sounded so good
By K.J. Cardinal
I know this is probably the first blog post ever regarding fireworks in the month of October, but I had to share this.
On Saturday night, there were fireworks in Hudson as part of the Pumpkin Festival. We had no idea that fireworks were going to be that night, but it was definitely a welcomed surprise.
I started to hear the pops of the fireworks and I bundled Anna up and we went outside to take a look. It was obviously pitch black out, so I couldn't get any video of her reaction, but this audio is priceless.
Take a listen and I think you'll agree that fireworks have never sounded so good.
I know this is probably the first blog post ever regarding fireworks in the month of October, but I had to share this.
On Saturday night, there were fireworks in Hudson as part of the Pumpkin Festival. We had no idea that fireworks were going to be that night, but it was definitely a welcomed surprise.
I started to hear the pops of the fireworks and I bundled Anna up and we went outside to take a look. It was obviously pitch black out, so I couldn't get any video of her reaction, but this audio is priceless.
Take a listen and I think you'll agree that fireworks have never sounded so good.
Friday, October 16, 2009
2009 Halloween polls are open!
By K.J. Cardinal
For the third-straight year, the faithful followers of The Cardinal Blog will be able to determine which adorable Halloween costume Anna dons for a night of trick-or-treating.
Last year your voices were heard as Anna had a yabba dabba doo time as Pebbles Flintstone. While in 2007, a three-week-old Anna rocked a chili pepper costume at the request of the masses.
So, we are keeping the tradition alive in 2009. Your choices this year are Candy Corn, a Poodle or a Monkey.

For some reason, Anna refuses to try the Poodle costume on. So, if that's the people's choice, then hopefully she'll come to her senses. The polls will close at the end of the day on Monday, October 26, so be sure to get your votes in soon!
Note: You facebookers out there, log on to to cast your vote today!
For the third-straight year, the faithful followers of The Cardinal Blog will be able to determine which adorable Halloween costume Anna dons for a night of trick-or-treating.
Last year your voices were heard as Anna had a yabba dabba doo time as Pebbles Flintstone. While in 2007, a three-week-old Anna rocked a chili pepper costume at the request of the masses.
So, we are keeping the tradition alive in 2009. Your choices this year are Candy Corn, a Poodle or a Monkey.
For some reason, Anna refuses to try the Poodle costume on. So, if that's the people's choice, then hopefully she'll come to her senses. The polls will close at the end of the day on Monday, October 26, so be sure to get your votes in soon!
Note: You facebookers out there, log on to to cast your vote today!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pack Network dominates two-year-old girl demographic
By K.J. Cardinal
Not sure this is something to boast about or not, but the latest Pack Network-produced video spot has proven to be a HUGE hit with the two-year-old girl demographic.
I completed this video for America East earlier tonight and when Anna got home I just happened to play it at the kitchen table while she was eating dinner... and, she LOVED it.
She would freak out and dance while it was on and then ask "Again? Again? Again?" when it would stop. So, I did what any normal person would do and I captured her reaction through the iSight camera on my MacBook while she watched.
To get the full feel for what I'm talking about, watch the America East commercial first...
... and, then watch Anna's reaction. It's priceless.
As an aside, after emailing the commercial to my friend at America East for approval, I also sent him the video of Anna. He loved it... but proceeded to accidentally send the video along to some colleagues instead of the real video. Ooops, but he said that Anna now has a few more fans :)
Not sure this is something to boast about or not, but the latest Pack Network-produced video spot has proven to be a HUGE hit with the two-year-old girl demographic.
I completed this video for America East earlier tonight and when Anna got home I just happened to play it at the kitchen table while she was eating dinner... and, she LOVED it.
She would freak out and dance while it was on and then ask "Again? Again? Again?" when it would stop. So, I did what any normal person would do and I captured her reaction through the iSight camera on my MacBook while she watched.
To get the full feel for what I'm talking about, watch the America East commercial first...
... and, then watch Anna's reaction. It's priceless.
As an aside, after emailing the commercial to my friend at America East for approval, I also sent him the video of Anna. He loved it... but proceeded to accidentally send the video along to some colleagues instead of the real video. Ooops, but he said that Anna now has a few more fans :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wellllll... well, it's the Big Show
By K.J. Cardinal
Following in the footsteps of Maria Menounos, I think that Anna is about ready to take the plunge into the world of professional wrestling.
For some strange reason, Anna has developed this habit over the last couple days of slipping her right arm out of her shirt, through the neck hole, in an attempt to mimic former WWF wrestler, The Big Show.

When I was in college, a few of my friends and I would sing the opening line to The Big Show's entrance music "Wellllll... well, it's the Big Show" (click here to listen), every time that we'd see a girl wearing one of those stupid shirts that had just one strap going over one shoulder. So, I am compelled to bust out that tune every time Anna does the same.

Anyway, someday we will all look back and laugh at the day when Anna was dressing like a professional wrestler... I have no idea where she gets this stuff...
Following in the footsteps of Maria Menounos, I think that Anna is about ready to take the plunge into the world of professional wrestling.
For some strange reason, Anna has developed this habit over the last couple days of slipping her right arm out of her shirt, through the neck hole, in an attempt to mimic former WWF wrestler, The Big Show.
When I was in college, a few of my friends and I would sing the opening line to The Big Show's entrance music "Wellllll... well, it's the Big Show" (click here to listen), every time that we'd see a girl wearing one of those stupid shirts that had just one strap going over one shoulder. So, I am compelled to bust out that tune every time Anna does the same.
Anyway, someday we will all look back and laugh at the day when Anna was dressing like a professional wrestler... I have no idea where she gets this stuff...
Monday, October 12, 2009
A princess is married
By K.J. Cardinal
There have been certain moments in Anna's life that have been cute and we all laugh and embrace the joy that is Anna, but then there are moments like Saturday that are just so adorable that it makes you love kids so much and feel so lucky to have them in your life.
In the third and final installment of "A George wedding: A Pete and Gail production", Suzanne and Chris got married on Saturday in a thoughtful day of festivities. The day had many highlights, which I'll get to in a minute, but I can't bury the lead here.
As some of you may know, Anna has this love affair with princesses. Whether it's Snow White, Tinkerbell, Ariel from Under the Sea or any other beautiful woman in a pretty dress, Anna loves them.
Well, Suzanne, adorned in a beautiful dress of her own, became Anna's favorite princess. While on the dance floor during the reception, Anna was pointing to Suzanne and saying "Dance with princess, dance with princess". It was so precious.
The absolute best part of this came late in the night when Anna was exhausted and wanted to dance with the princess. Suzanne was gracious enough to dance with Anna... and nearly put her to sleep. Anna was in her glory.
Thanks so much Suzanne for taking time out of your special day to turn the day into a special day for Anna too. It was definitely one of those moments in Anna's life that I will personally never forget and I'm glad you were a part of it too.
The day had many other amazing moments as well, and for me, none was more moving than the stirring rendition of "The Wedding Song" that my Dad played during the ceremony. He can play that song a million times and every time I'll get all choked up. He has played it at dozens of weddings, but when he plays it now, I am brought back to that day in June of 2003 when he played it at Tiffany and Pete's wedding. One of the best moments in Cardinal history.
The seasoned veteran Andrew was ring bearer yet again and did another spectacular job. As you can see in the photo at right, Andrew is all business with his important wedding duties. Seeing him a little suit and tie just cracks me up.
Andrew, Natalie and Anna tore it up on the dance floor, creating quite a spectacle at times for everyone to see as well.
I have tons of video footage from the night, which I will post at some point. Until then, enjoy this video I put together. If you can watch this clip without getting teary-eyed, you're a bigger man than I. Congrats Suzanne and Chris!
In the third and final installment of "A George wedding: A Pete and Gail production", Suzanne and Chris got married on Saturday in a thoughtful day of festivities. The day had many highlights, which I'll get to in a minute, but I can't bury the lead here.
As some of you may know, Anna has this love affair with princesses. Whether it's Snow White, Tinkerbell, Ariel from Under the Sea or any other beautiful woman in a pretty dress, Anna loves them.
Well, Suzanne, adorned in a beautiful dress of her own, became Anna's favorite princess. While on the dance floor during the reception, Anna was pointing to Suzanne and saying "Dance with princess, dance with princess". It was so precious.
Thanks so much Suzanne for taking time out of your special day to turn the day into a special day for Anna too. It was definitely one of those moments in Anna's life that I will personally never forget and I'm glad you were a part of it too.
The day had many other amazing moments as well, and for me, none was more moving than the stirring rendition of "The Wedding Song" that my Dad played during the ceremony. He can play that song a million times and every time I'll get all choked up. He has played it at dozens of weddings, but when he plays it now, I am brought back to that day in June of 2003 when he played it at Tiffany and Pete's wedding. One of the best moments in Cardinal history.
Andrew, Natalie and Anna tore it up on the dance floor, creating quite a spectacle at times for everyone to see as well.
I have tons of video footage from the night, which I will post at some point. Until then, enjoy this video I put together. If you can watch this clip without getting teary-eyed, you're a bigger man than I. Congrats Suzanne and Chris!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Where is thumbkin?
By K.J. Cardinal
Earlier this week, Angie, Sammy and I were watching TV in the livingroom and Anna was in the kitchen playing with her toy kitchen.
She was being good as gold and then all of a sudden breaks out into the cutest version of "Where is thumbkin?" that anyone has ever heard. It was so priceless because we had never sang that song to her before, so she clearly learned it at daycare.
I missed the beginning of the song because I couldn't get my phone out fast enough. Anyway, here's what I got... I think you'll agree it's adorable.
Earlier this week, Angie, Sammy and I were watching TV in the livingroom and Anna was in the kitchen playing with her toy kitchen.
She was being good as gold and then all of a sudden breaks out into the cutest version of "Where is thumbkin?" that anyone has ever heard. It was so priceless because we had never sang that song to her before, so she clearly learned it at daycare.
I missed the beginning of the song because I couldn't get my phone out fast enough. Anyway, here's what I got... I think you'll agree it's adorable.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A stroll with Anna
By K.J. Cardinal
I have been trying to make it a ritual of going for a walk with Anna every day. There are obviously some days when it just can't be done, but we try our best.
She absolutely loves getting outside and walking around the loop. Her favorite parts are seeing this dog down the street that's almost always outside and stopping to pick up as many acorns as her little hands can hold.
In this little clip though, the doggy's not outside and Anna concludes he must be taking a nap... then she stops to get her fair share of acorns. Enjoy!
I have been trying to make it a ritual of going for a walk with Anna every day. There are obviously some days when it just can't be done, but we try our best.
She absolutely loves getting outside and walking around the loop. Her favorite parts are seeing this dog down the street that's almost always outside and stopping to pick up as many acorns as her little hands can hold.
In this little clip though, the doggy's not outside and Anna concludes he must be taking a nap... then she stops to get her fair share of acorns. Enjoy!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Anna turns two
By K.J. Cardinal
My baby... well, she's not a baby anymore.
The age of two is really the point in my mind when I feel that kids become kids and they are no longer babies or infants. She's a kid.
This realization saddens me quite a bit and, for some reason, every one of Anna's age-related milestones seem to turn more and more introspective for me. I mean this day is definitely all about her, but I can't help but think of how much she means to me, how much she has changed me and how much she motivates me.
The impact that Anna has had on my life is unfathomable... I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if I actually gave birth to her.
Anyway, Anna dove head first into her third year of life, literally. This morning, Anna went "ass over tea-kettle" (definitely a Kimism) as she fell down three stairs before Angie caught her.
Despite landing on her face (don't worry, Meme, she's OK), Anna got up and asked Ang to kiss her finger... so we knew she wasn't hurt that badly.
I guess the "terrible twos" have officially arrived. Excuse me while I batten down the hatches.
The age of two is really the point in my mind when I feel that kids become kids and they are no longer babies or infants. She's a kid.
This realization saddens me quite a bit and, for some reason, every one of Anna's age-related milestones seem to turn more and more introspective for me. I mean this day is definitely all about her, but I can't help but think of how much she means to me, how much she has changed me and how much she motivates me.
Anyway, Anna dove head first into her third year of life, literally. This morning, Anna went "ass over tea-kettle" (definitely a Kimism) as she fell down three stairs before Angie caught her.
Despite landing on her face (don't worry, Meme, she's OK), Anna got up and asked Ang to kiss her finger... so we knew she wasn't hurt that badly.
I guess the "terrible twos" have officially arrived. Excuse me while I batten down the hatches.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Something fishy
By K.J. Cardinal
There was definitely something fishy about Anna's second birthday party today. I'm not referring to the Finding Nemo theme, highlighted by the AMAZING Nemo cake made by Aunt Kate, but rather Anna's behavior.
On the eve of her second birthday, Anna was an absolute angel all day long. This absolutely seems fishy to me.
Should we call it the calm before the storm? Her "terrible twos" officially begin tomorrow at 5:47 p.m., so is this just one last day to be blessed by such a well-behaved little girl? I'm not trying to jinx her good behavior, but I'm just being realistic.
Anyway, as you can see, we celebrated Anna's second birthday today.
Sammy gave the house an underwater theme with balloon bubbles, streamer jelly fish and real beta fish for each kid to take home. Then, Aunt Kate arrived to put the finishing touch on the theme... an unbelievably real-looking Nemo cake.
I don't know how the heck she does it, but Aunt Kate definitely has a ridiculous talent with these cakes. What made Nemo look so true to his character were his eyes... definitely a spitting image from the movie. Thanks so much Aunt Kate, I know it was tons of work.
After cake, Anna opened up her presents and boy oh boy was she spoiled. Every gift she received was very thoughtful and in the five hours since opening all gifts, Anna has spent some solid time playing with each and every thing. Thank you all for the wonderful gifts... I particularly loved the crayons sent by Aunt Carol and Uncle Bill... such a perfect blog-themed gift!
The best part of the day for me was just being able to hang out with our families. It was so great to see everyone and being able to have Anna, Andrew, Natalie, Ryan and Julia interact was pretty cool. They were all so well-behaved all day... not just Anna.
I'm pretty sure that everyone in attendance was in their glory watching the kiddos play.
This picture can serve as Exhibit A... everyone's watching the kids go after the pinata candy. Good times.
Thanks again and I'll have more tomorrow on my little girl that's (gulp) turning two.
On the eve of her second birthday, Anna was an absolute angel all day long. This absolutely seems fishy to me.
Should we call it the calm before the storm? Her "terrible twos" officially begin tomorrow at 5:47 p.m., so is this just one last day to be blessed by such a well-behaved little girl? I'm not trying to jinx her good behavior, but I'm just being realistic.
Anyway, as you can see, we celebrated Anna's second birthday today.
Sammy gave the house an underwater theme with balloon bubbles, streamer jelly fish and real beta fish for each kid to take home. Then, Aunt Kate arrived to put the finishing touch on the theme... an unbelievably real-looking Nemo cake.
The best part of the day for me was just being able to hang out with our families. It was so great to see everyone and being able to have Anna, Andrew, Natalie, Ryan and Julia interact was pretty cool. They were all so well-behaved all day... not just Anna.
I'm pretty sure that everyone in attendance was in their glory watching the kiddos play.
Thanks again and I'll have more tomorrow on my little girl that's (gulp) turning two.
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