Natalie technically turned one on April 13, but Tiff and Pete threw the big bash for her today at their new home in Northwood... and it was quite the turnout.
The Cardinal and George families get along notoriously well, so it was a blast, as always.
Natalie was a cutie all day, but she really stole the show when she ate her cupcake. She really enjoyed the whipped cream and made short work of devouring the cupcake altogether.
Marissa was instrumental in helping Anna up the ladder so she could, of course, go down the slide a million times. Thanks for all the help Marissa!
There were lots of kiddos running around, none cuter than Ben, John & Nikoll Lauze's son. Unfortunately I didn't snap a picture of Ben, but he's actually probably smarter than he is cute, which is saying A LOT!
Three and a half year old Ben really put on a show for me. As he recited the planets in order and then he asked me "Do you know how many moons Saturn has?" And, I said, "Two?" Then, Ben said, "No... SIXTY!" It was classic.
Anyway, thanks for a great party Tiff & Pete, Natalie is quite the cupcake.
I had a lot of fun with Anna. She is so adorable!