By K.J. Cardinal
I feel like I've accomplished a descent amount of things in my young life, but never in a million years did I ever think that I would win a decathlon. However, that's exactly how I rang in the New Year on Monday night.
No, I didn't throw a discus, javelin or shot put and I certainly didn't run the 1500 meters or clear any hurdles. Instead, Angie, Sammy and I competed against each other in the confines of our own home in a series of 10 different board games, card games and video games.
You may say that's not a
true decathlon, but I say, you don't know how tough it is until you try it. Talk to me after you go head-to-head with your wife and step daughter for over eight straight's grueling.
Anyway, it was early in the afternoon on New Year's Eve when the idea of the decathlon came to me. Angie, Sammy and I then brainstormed as many games that we could think of and put them into a hat. We then pulled 10 events out to determine the 2007 NYE Decathlon. We decided we would award three points for first place, two points for second and one point for third. Sammy crafted a NYE bracelet (pictured above) to reward the winner.
We started things off with an intense game of
Rummy 500. On the very first hand, I thought that the wheels were going to come off the decathlon though as there was an early controversy. I had two cards left in my hand (two Jacks) and I picked up a third Jack which made my set that I could lay down. Game over, right? Not so fast, said Angie.
Apparently she plays with the crazy Portuguese rules that say you have to discard in order for the hand to end. I am one of the most competitive people in the world, so I was rather peeved at her ruling. I let her get her way though and the game progressed. I ended up taking Event 1 and jumping out to an early lead in the decathlon.
SCOREBOARD: K.J. 3, Sammy 2, Angie 1On to Event 2,
Yahtzee. No controversy here just a severe beat down by Angie. She wrapped it up early as she got a Bonus Yahtzee on about her eighth turn. Sammy managed to put together one of the worst rounds of Yahtzee I've ever seen though, scoring a whopping 188 points. Yippee!
SCOREBOARD: K.J. 5, Angie 4, Sammy 3Wheel of Fortune on PS2 was up next. I like to think of myself as a Wheel of Fortune savant, so needless to say, I dominated. I racked up $33,450, capping my run by getting the final puzzle correct, which was Nightfall for the record. Angie got skunked in the game as she put up the big ole goose egg.
SCOREBOARD: K.J. 8, Angie 5, Sammy 5Event 4 was an America classic,
BINGO. Despite my card-selection rationale, which I felt was flawless (#8 for Antoine Walker, #17 for the next Celtics championship banner and #33 for Larry Legend), I was outdistanced by Ang. Sammy and I actually tied for second and had to play again so we could determine who was second. Naturally, I won.
SCOREBOARD: K.J. 10, Angie 8, Sammy 6Next up,
Wii Bowling. I am usually pretty nasty at Wii Bowling, but it just wasn't my night. Sammy took us both to school, winning by a healthy 20-pin margin.
SCOREBOARD: K.J. 11, Angie 10, Sammy 9The second half of the decathlon got underway with Event 6:
Blokus. Again, this is usually a bread-and-butter event for me, but once again I took third. Usually Angie and Sammy tag-team me in this game and I pull out the win regardless, but my third-place finish can be credited to a sick BLOKUS by Angie late in the game. Sammy took it home though.
SCOREBOARD: K.J. 12, Angie 12, Sammy 12Things were progressing nicely and then came Event 7:
Monopoly. It seemed like a good idea in theory, but nearly three hours later we were all begging for mercy and decided to put a time limit on it to end the misery. Those three-plus hours of my life I will never get back and it pains me to think about it. Oh yeah, Angie won.
SCOREBOARD: Angie 15, K.J. 14, Sammy 13With three events remaining I was trailing for the first time in the decathlon, but I wasn't nervous because Angie was getting sleepier and sleepier by the second. Next up Event 8:
Wii Golf. What started off as a nine-hole game had to be reduced to a six-hole round as Angie was falling asleep on the couch in between turns. What was insanely annoying was that she was kicking our butts. She'd wake up, knock it within a few feet of the pin and fall back asleep. Meanwhile, I'm trying my hardest and hitting the ball all over the course...seemed like a real round of golf. Anyway, Ang won the sleep-shortened event.
SCOREBOARD: Angie 18, K.J. 16, Sammy 14Event 9:
Wii billiards. Boy oh boy did I need this event. Wii billiards is probably my favorite game on the Wii, so I was thrilled when we pulled it out of the hat some 74 hours earlier. Sammy actually put up a good fight here in the nine-ball competition though as she tied me for first, forcing a tie-breaker. I then made all nine balls on nine shots to secure the title. Angie wrapped up third and drooled all over herself.
SCOREBOARD: Angie 19, K.J. 19, Sammy 16The 10th and final event of the decathlon was none other than
Skip-bo. With Angie and I tied atop the standings and Sammy out of contention for the title, the tension was high. Angie then did her best impression of the Buffalo Bills of the early '90s as she went on a huge run and got rid of all but one card in her pile, only to fall short in the end. Sammy and I still had at least 12 cards left in our piles, when I did the unthinkable. I went on a huge run and got rid of every single card in my pile to win. I kept screaming "
Wide Right" in Angie's face. Game. Set. Match.
FINAL SCORE: K.J. 22, Angie 21, Sammy 17As far as sporting comebacks are concerned, my come-from-behind win in the inaugural NYE Decathlon ranks just behind the Red Sox comeback versus the Yankees in the
2004 ALCS and just ahead of the
Miracle on Ice. In the back of my head I kept hearing "Do you believe in miracles?"
What a way to spend New Year's Eve. We hope to broaden the event next year to include more participants, so you may want to start training now because these decathlons take a lot out of you.