So today I'm here not to brag about my cuter than cute nephew or my precious niece, but to tell you about an extraordinary concert my BILS (aka Indianapolis...aka Valerie) and I went to on Friday night. That's right ladies and gents, it was the moment I had been waiting for - KEITH URBAN!!!
As many of you may know, I am ABSOLUTELY infatuated with Keith Urban (judging by the size of the shrine I have in my room for him). Ever since I first heard him on the radio a few years ago and looked him up online to see how absolutely goregous he is, I've been hooked. Fortunately, I was able to get concert tickets in August at the DCU Center in Worcester to go with my best friend Bre, and THIS time I got to go with Val and see him AND Carrie Underwood at Mohegan Sun!!!
After leaving the house at about 2 p.m. on Friday, stopping at Dunkin Donuts for a nice hot coffee, and driving extra careful on the ice-covered roads, I arrived at Val and Brian's ADORABLE apartment at approximately 4:30. After getting the grand tour and packing some snacks, Val and I embarked on our "Once in a Lifetime" journey..haha..yes, I know I'm queer.
Leaving Val's around 5 p.m., we got to Mohegan Sun around 6:45 to wait for the 7:30 concert. After buying a spankin' new Keith Urban shirt and matching earrings, we went down to our FLOOR tickets that were closer than either of us had imagined. Having gone to a concert at the DCU Center before, I knew the layout of the stage (having the stage at the end with a "runway," if you will, and a big circle at the end to perform on) but I certainly did not count on how small the Mohegan Sun Arena was! We were the first section of our row to the left of the runway, and we were ready to dance!
So Carrie played for like an hour, and during her last song Val and I noticed that the last row of seats RIGHT on the "catwalk" were empty. So, being the sneaky little characters we are, we went over there to "take pictures" of Carrie Underwood and try to keep the seats when Keith came out. Needless to say, two other girls beat us to the first two seats, but we were next in line. Once Carrie was done performing, I (naturally) had to go to the bathroom, so Valerie stayed at the seats. When I returned, I thought I was going to kiss Val - the two girls closest to the stage had left, and Val swooped in for the attack. THAT'S RIGHT, WE HAD SEATS RIGHT AT THE CATWALK FOR THE ENTIRE KEITH URBAN CONCERT!!!
With the help of the best brother in the world, I've put the youtube clip that I shot of Keith Urban playing my future wedding song (keep our fingers crossed) "Memories of Us." This song was acoustic and Keith performed it at the end of the catwalk, so you get a nice view of his butt the entire time :) I hope you all like it, and I strongly suggest you hit up a Keith Urban concert ASAP. Oh, and if you know of one around here...let me know! I'd pretty much be willing to go broke to see him that close yet again :)
** Unfortunately youtube made me remove this video...sorry **
Bit jealous I must say!
Ditto. KU is soooooo hot!